dublin, ireland

as i sit in dublin, comforted by the warm ambient light in daen's room, i realise how much i miss nottingham. it's the gaelic on every street sign, the torrential rain as i am trying to cross the road to topshop & all the damn green that is getting to me. i miss florence boot & the comfort of home. & i miss everyone back home in australia. 

where are you? come back. you know who you are.

i am sick. i am sick of the feeling of being sick, the fear of getting sick & the wondering whether i am sick or whether it's all in my mind. 

things just aren't the same on the other side of the world. 
& i'm not sure they will be the same when we get back. 

1 comment:

  1. It's natural to get homesick. Looks like it took you a text-book amount of time :P

    You shouldn't fret. I'm sure you're in the thoughts of those you left behind. You need to look forward and have fun. The most invaluable thing to gain is life experience, so go out and live :)

    holy crap that was cliche... but anyway. You're living the dream, we're stuck in crappy brisbane stressing in SWOTVAC. Pretty sure you win.

    I want stories when you get back :)

    - Kiran

    PS. Yes, i still read this
