it's the beginning

it's the beginning of something different. something new, planned and not spontaneous at all. something which is going to work out, no matter what anyone says. something that should be carefree, cost free (i speak of both beans, and hearts) and a good time. and that's how i want to live my life for the next six weeks, gasp. yes, it is only six more weeks that i pack up my life and move. i'm scared, but at the same time, super excited. i dread leaving my friends at the airport - that moment, one you see so commonly in movies and books, will be emotion-filled electricity - and i will probably spend my entire flight snot-covered, mascara-smudged and an absolute mess. it's a big step for a small, young, naive girl who has so much more to learn about life. hopefully the one that will return will be poorer in dollars but richer in knowledge.


byron calls my name

it has been a long, long working week.
saw 'the hangover' last night which was good good good.
completely in love with the wedding scene between doug and kylie/julie/whatever her name is. beautiful cream/pink drapes hanging from a thick, bold white frame - chipperfield-like for sure.

for a bit of light entertainment to cure boredom:
perhaps rude, but there's a reason why you should put your myspace on private.

byron this weekend. and splendour next.


the olden days

recently, things have been like the olden days - the summer just past. working full time, watching the oc obsessively and sleeping at obscure hours. uni is finally over, and although i have had a bit of free time, i wouldn't be able to tell you where it has gone. i suppose i've been sick, which is how my body is telling me to stop and slow down (hence the oc - i'm halfway through season one and it is great)

the big trip is soon - leaving in just over two months! how exciting. i've started making lists / plans and it's all coming together. i'm thinking i'll pop into nottingham for my orientation and immediately make my way to munich, germany for oktoberfest with sam and daen (with luck). no idea about accommodation / costs but future-candice can work that one out.

we won our touch grand final last weekend! and this weekend we've got a bar tab at the orient (vomit) but it's still a bar tab so that's great. pyjama party last weekend was lots of fun - the best bit being, coming home loose at a reasonable hour having been drinking for the last 7 and crawling straight into bed.

splen soooooooon. i'm so fucking excited i could eat my ticket (but won't, of course).