cannot stop listening to these guys. incredible and perfect for late nights with the balsa, glue and knife. thankgod those days are over, for the next month at least.
easter time = happy time. beaches, barbeques, nintendo wii, cadbury stuffed individuals, double-time-and-a-half for those poor working souls and most importantly, time off. post-review fun involved drinks, gloves, cards and volleyball, exactly what was needed. however, next week involves essay writing about 'manners' and the influence on them on architecture. back to business!
today, i went shopping with tess - valley markets + city. good bargains at this cheap little stall - this lovely blonde lady sold dresses that she had altered herself for 25 or 35 beans. cheap shirt dresses with an 80's print. also scored a cute floral high waisted skirt (after vowing i would never buy another one, 45) + another one (bad person i am) - light blue tulip skirt with detail zip down the front (same silk fabric as the current standard ultra suite dress, 60). so not bad, all in all. apart from the whole blowing-of-100-per-week-budget. and my credit card bill hasn't even arrived yet.
tomorrow, will involve spring cleaning, spring cake making with aunty fay and wii with the pseudo siblings. oh, and possible reverse parallel practice with father duck (residence of brookfield + kenmore, watch your mercedes'). X
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