eastern europe

i'm in krakow, poland. i honestly never thought in a million years i would ever be here. it's friggin cold - negative 6 as a maximum? ahh. suicide. but day by day my body is slowly but surely getting used to the cold. and by february (with luck) i will be able to handle negative 20 without so much as a flinch.

i was torn whether to go to auschwitz or not. i have a bit of a complex with prisons/wars/history etc etc and it's just something that gets me really upset, something i have absolutely no interest in, and would rather not see. so $50 AUD to scare the shit out of me and make me cry? i don't think so. i can buy countless books on the subject for much less for that. and yes, it seems a bit of a waste to go all the way to krakow to NOT go to auschwitz but why should i? 



it's cold

i woke up in rome. it was 20 degrees.
i am now in nottingham. it is 2 degrees.
i want to be in brisbane. it is 27 degrees.

god i miss summer.